Buy Bulk LEGO by the Pound

The following listings are gathered from eBay and filtered by price per pound. Affiliate links are used to earn a small commission on all purchases. If you aren't finding what you are looking for here, you might want to check for additional LEGO listings and support for non-US markets.

Fixed price listings, best value per pound first. These are the best deals available for instant purchase.
Fixed price listings, most recent first. This is useful if you visit this page often to see new deals that are available.
Auction listings ending soonest. These listings may provide great value, but they require a little more effort as you must actually bid and win an auction.
Right now on eBay
70611 lbs
lot of ninjago parts figures 70611 - 1 lb 11 oz
100 lbs
100lb+ of (gallon each)
16 lbs
 minifigures pieces parts bulk lot (7 oz) 7/16 pound lb torsos heads legs
16 lbs
 bulk lot minifigure heads, body, legs, hats, weapons etc. 1/16 pound (1 oz)
16 lbs
new bag of minifigures pieces (1.5oz) 1/16 lb torsos heads pants no accs.
16 lbs
new random bag of minifigure pieces (1.5oz) 1/16 lb accs torsos pants heads
16 lbs
 bulk lot super hero minifigure random parts and pieces 1/16 pound (1 oz)
16 lbs
đŸ”„ minifigure (1 oz) 1/16lb. all minis/ accessories no blocks
15 lbs
bulk lot s 15 lbs assorted pieces ++
15 lbs
15lbs loose bricks - free shipping
16 lbs
 minifigures and accessories, city, star wars, vintage (1 oz) 1/16 pound
17 lbs
17 lb s with mini figs
11.6 lbs
11.6 lbs assorted wonderbricks building bricks bulk approximately 3000 pieces
7 lbs
 genuine assorted pieces bulk 7 lb
8 lbs
 bulk lot 8+ lbs mixed parts pieces miscellaneous wheels multi color lot 1
8 lbs
8 pounds of loose s random
10 lbs
huge lot of 10lb pound box of bulk mixed lot
14 lbs
lot 14+ pounds sets assorted bricks blocks parts s red black
12 lbs
bulk lot! 12 pound box of bricks, parts, pieces, tires, accessories
6 lbs
6 pound box of random assorted s
18 lbs
huge 18 lb lot kids toys figurine furniture accessories pony troll lol misc
30 lbs
large 30 pound bulk lot, read description!!
12 lbs
 assorted pieces parts lot over 12lbs
12 lbs
roughly 12 pounds random bricks huge assortment no minifigs free shipping
25 lbs
25 lbs. bulk lot bricks pieces mixed + guaranteed minifigures - read below
12 lbs
 bricks and figure lot over 12lbs
19 lbs
19 lbs s bulk lot pls read description 19lbs
9.5 lbs
 genuine assorted pieces bulk 9.5 lb
11 lbs
huge bulk lot of 11 pounds of rubber tires various sizes treads
16 lbs
 bulk lot castle minifigure random parts and pieces 1/16 pound (1 oz)
8 lbs
 lot of 8 pounds parts blocks build
24 lbs
 24 lb pound mixed lot
5 lbs
's large lot - over 1200, around 5 lbs. specialty pieces
25 lbs
huge bulk 25 lb set parts & minifigures lot vehicle parts,city,fire, police
6 lbs
6lb random s 8 unbranded large tiles
7 lbs
sledge hammer head h 7 lb. 14oz. vintage old rusty tool charles e hall
5.5 lbs
s mixed lot 5.5 lbs parts and pieces read
5 lbs
 mixed building pieces 5lb lot
7 lbs
7 lb lot hundreds of pieces, plates, bricks, unique pieces, smalls, wheels
6.5 lbs
 6.5 pounds brick misc pieces
19 lbs
 bags sorted 19 pounds
8 lbs
 8 pound of random pieces “cleaned pre-packaged and ready to go”
8.5 lbs
8.5 pounds of brand blocks with mini figures
9 lbs
9 pounds pieces see photos for colors and pieces. no figures
5 lbs
 assorted 5 lb. lot grids blocks figures, signs etc.
7 lbs
 bulk lot 7+ lbs mixed parts pieces miscellaneous wheels multi color lot 2
9 lbs
s boys girls toys building blockes figures almost 9 pounds! super clean
4.5 lbs
4.5 lb pound bulk lot of assorted loose genuine bricks random mix clean
7 lbs
around 7lbs of assorted s . see description from pet home
15.5 lbs
s assorted parts 15.5 lbs

Compiled from US eBay listings. Price per pound is calculated based on number of pounds listed in the item title. Prices are approximate if the listing uses calculated shipping.

Updated every 15 minutes.

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